For the longest time the Tugpass network used to be exclusively about handjobs and as they added additional sites and grew from a single site to a network the new sites were all handjob sites of different varieties. By the looks of things they have now started diversifying. It’s clear that they never stopped growing.
These guys have been around for a long time and perhaps fly a little bit under the radar. I kind of feel like they should be more visible as they are quite a bit better than one might suspect.
You probably didn’t know about the diversification either so I’m not going to name those sites and spoil it for you but I do want to mention that you can save 81% now with a Tug Pass discount. That is one hell of a saving and makes the network more than just a little affordable, that’s pretty much for free and yes, that price includes all of the sites.
Also, yes, I know you’re going to want to know who she is because she is crazy hot: Rachele Richey.